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Welcome to Raglan Naturally

Supporting Whāingaroa to achieve our community goals

Raglan Naturally’s approach to community-led development is a unique initiative to achieve community aspirations and goals from the ‘ground-up’.  Raglan Naturally is founded on building, growing and empowering relationships with iwi/hapū and community based on Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles. Raglan Naturally guides and supports all who are connected to Whāingaroa Raglan.
Raglan Naturally encourages and supports the community to find solutions and take action.
We celebrate and share.

Te Tiriti Workshops 2024
—  Connecting people in our community

Providing project advice, information and support.

Whether it’s advice around funding options or facilitating connections with local organisations, Raglan Naturally exists to support community-led development projects in Whāingaroa.

Participation & Local Voice

Raglan Naturally provides opportunity for community voice and input as well as support on submissions to local and national government.

Explore Local Plans

Project Advice

Our Raglan Naturally Coordinators are well connected in our communities. We are continually building an understanding of diversity and the needs in our community. Right here in Whaingaroa there is an abundance of skills, wisdom and resources. Support and Advice on community projects – new and existing. Help connect you with others doing similar work, funding, training. Empower you to lead your initiatives. We encourage you to find solutions and take action. Funding Support & Advice We can help you source funding, connect with funders, find a funding umbrella if needed.

Explore Funding Resources
—  Supporting action in the community

Project Support

Host community meetings and workshops. If you need help to bring people together and to reach a wide audience. Affiliate with Raglan Naturally. Develop an agreement together and work closely to meet community needs. Raglan Naturally Plan and community aspirations used to guide and as reference in funding applications or community projects.

Read the Community Plan
—  Fostering relationships

Relationships & Collaboration

Broker relationships We can connect you with Iwi/hapu groups and to community groups and organisations. Treaty of Waitangi Regular Treaty workshops, examples of Treaty partnerships locally, resources. Support connection with District & Regional Councils

Contact Us to Learn More

Grow local leadership

Develop Skills and Capacity of local leaders Grow community capability by supporting the development of leadership,
organisational capacity and skills, through training and provision of resources.

Explore Training Opportunities

Celebrate & Share

Spread the word about your projects, workshops, events Use our contact list and local knowledge of who and how to connect with the community. Celebrate community initiatives, leaders & contributors Celebrate a story or new of a community-led initiative and share them to media and our networks. Attend local and regional hui and share with you.

Explore Projects

Raglan Naturally Values

manaakitanga- encouraging and uplifting the wellbeing of the Whāingaroa Raglan community kotahitanga - working together in unison for the benefit of the Whāingaroa Raglan community kaitiakitanga - actively protecting and enhancing the Whāingaroa Raglan natural environment for future generations rangatiratanga - Māori self determination, and growing leadership across Whāingaroa Raglan community

Learn More About Raglan Naturally
Contact Us

Supporting the community to thrive.

The DIA have agreed to partner with RN for five years to support us to achieve our community goals as set out in our plan, RN Feb 2020. This is super exciting and a wonderful opportunity for our community to see tangible outcomes to all of our work over the last few years.