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Natural Environment

The Natural Environment within the Whaingaroa area is diverse and comprises many types of natural habitat encompassing our unique rugged coastline and a range of land types with underlying rocks including limestone, volcanic and mudstones. The land varies from very steep and unstable to gentle fertile river valleys.

The forest covered Mt Karioi is the largest formally protected area in the catchment. Extensive predator control is currently being carried out on the maunga and surrounding land my the Karioi Maunga ke te Moana project.

The Harbour – The Whaingaroa harbour catchment covers 525 km2 and the harbour covers 35 km2 and has 220 km of coastline. It runs 12 km inland from the entrance, for the most part is less than 2 km wide. Many small streams draining the steep catchment join to form larger rivers such as the Waingaro, Kerikeri, Waitetuna, Wainui and others. These feed into the many arms of the Whaingaroa harbour. Raiparian fencing and planting by landowners and Whaingaroa Harbour care over the past 20 years has improved the water quality within the harbour.

Most common themes from the community

Air BnB controlled

Affordable housing

Social housing

Bed tax

Tiny homes


Community consultation led design for housing solutions.

Affordable housing development for Raglan.

Supporting and enabling other communities by sharing the Raglan experience, tools and information.

Advocating at regional and national level for recognition of the small community housing access and affordability issues.

Possible pathways toward achieving these aspirations

Consider the explosion of properties let out on Air BNB versus permanent housing that is creating shortage.  Look at options like Paris has adopted.

Housing for the elderly or even over 50’s. Older folk are moving out as they can’t afford to live here.

  • Community-wide consultation hui in 2019 to reach out to those wishing to be part of a solution
  • Continued representation on the Waikato Plan Housing Initiative working group
  • Continued partnership with the Waikato District Council housing focus – see WDC Blueprint
  • Continued partnership with key sponsors WEL Energy Trust Vital Impact (Housing) Grant
  • Continued partnership with Raglan Community House, Raglan Chamber of
  • Commerce and Raglan Community Board
  • Continue to build relationships with landowners interested in affordable housing initiatives
  • Continued connection with community land trust and affordable housing provider groups in Waikato/NZ
  • Charitable trust structure for WRAP to enable recognition as charitable social enterprise
  • Seek funding opportunities from central government and other investors
  • Construct an advisory group of technical housing experts to input on the basis of community housing preferences
  • Present the WRAP/Raglan story at housing hui with the view to advocacy for small communities