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— Strategic Plan 2022-2026

Raglan Naturally Strategic Plan

Throughout 2021, the Raglan Naturally Board worked on planning to create a path forward for the community plan. From this process, Raglan Naturally have chosen two Focus Areas for 2022 being Te Oranga o te Hapori / Community Wellbeing and Kāwanatanga ā-Hāpori me te Whakatakoto Tikanga / Local Government & Planning. Projects have stemmed from community aspirations and projects in these areas of the RN Community Plan 2020.

Purpose Statement

Raglan Naturally is a way for our hapori (hapū, iwi, Māori)/community to plan for the future, in ways that strengthen relationships and build partnerships, so that we can take action to ensure all of life in Whāingaroa thrives.

Our Role

Build hapori/community recognition and understanding of diversity and needs of our community. Grow hapori/community development and participation. Support hapori/community building and strengthening relationships. Empower hapori/community to create, connect, and lead Raglan Naturally outcomes.

Our ongoing work

Raglan Naturally’s approach to community-led development is a unique initiative to achieve community aspirations and goals from the ‘ground-up’. Raglan Naturally is founded on building, growing and empowering relationships with iwi/hapū and community based on Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles. Raglan Naturally guides and supports all who are connected to Whāingaroa Raglan. Raglan Naturally encourages and supports the community to find solutions and take action. Celebrate and share.

Our Values

Manaakitanga encouraging and uplifting the wellbeing of the Whāingaroa Raglan community. Kotahitanga working together in unison for the benefit of the Whāingaroa Raglan community. Kaitiakitanga actively protecting and enhancing the Whāingaroa Raglan natural environment for future generations. Rangatiratanga Māori self determination, and growing leadership across Whāingaroa Raglan community.

Phase One 2022-2023

Connecting hapori conversations and include in that a survey to empower hapori. Hapori identify key challenges, aspirations, and development. Including a specific hapori chapter for the Raglan Naturally plan. Networking and connecting events for hapori/community through dinners gatherings, workshops and celebrations. Hapori identify their needs and opportunities that they have prioritised. RN provides them support to determine their solutions. Identifying needs and opportunities alongside community, including prioritising, connecting planning, project planning, brokering relationships, resourcing and funding. Building resilience, mitigation and awareness of critical issues of our time, e.g. Climate Change. Learning opportunities for community in workshops e.g. local Treaty issues. Hapori strengthen their connections to Whaingaroa through workshops that develop understanding about local Treaty issues. Grow hapori participation and involvement to determine outcomes for hapori by hapori. Grow community participation and involvement through inclusive and caring action. Sharing information through the RN website and other channels (e.g. workshops, newsletter, Chronicle, Raglan Community Radio). Develop and use a Monitoring, Reporting and Evaluation Framework, to learn/share and show progress. Embedding and refining our role, our governance, our Coordination – to make the greatest difference. Funding and Resourcing for RN organisation. Apply for Phase 2.

Phase Two 2024-2026

Progressing hapori/community project implementation. Sharing the learning and stories from phase one. Refreshing the plan. Celebrating the plan and looking to the future. Bridging to future funders for RN organisation (beyond DIA CLDP).